Pricing - Digital Homestead

A note on pricing

Digital Homestead is free to try. With all features. Period. I only ask that users upgrade their space to a paid plan when they use a large amount of data or need more than 10 members in their space.

Bill Monthly
Bill Annually


/ month

The perfect way to get started and try out our platform.

  • Unlimited Posts

  • 1 GB of photos and videos

  • 10 members

  • Unlimited comments

Create a space to get started


/ month

Increase the limits, invite the entire family, and share more media.

  • Unlimited posts

  • 50 GB of photos and videos

  • 20 members

  • Unlimited comments

Create a space to get started

Extended Family

/ month

Invite more of the family and post even more media!

  • Unlimited posts

  • 250 GB of photos and videos

  • 50 members

  • Unlimited comments

Create a space to get started