Digital Homestead

As seen on Paul Joseph Watson

Get your family off of big-tech social media with Digital Homestead

hero Paul Joseph Watson


All of the core features of social media

Share content

Easily share text, photos, and videos.

Private spaces

There are no public profiles or spaces; Only those you invite can see any of the posts in your space.

Total control

Space owners have the power to invite new members, delete posts, and ban members.

Smart notifications

Never miss a post (unless you want to). Receive push notifications or email for new posts, comments, and/members joining your space.

Easy setup

Step 1

Create a space

Spaces are your own secluded social networks.

  • Only visible to those you personally invite
  • No advertisements
  • No recommended content from outside your space
Step 2

Invite family and friends

Create invite links from your Space Management page

  • Keeps your space free of strangers
  • Links can be sent anywhere (eMail, text, or instant messenger)
  • Unused links expire to keep your space secure
Step 3

Share text, photos, and videos

Plans allow for sharing of thousands of photos and hundreds of minutes of high-quality video

  • Share from desktop, mobile phone, or tablet
  • Keep photos from the whole family in one place
  • Nothing scanned by AI


Meet the Creator

Hi everyone. My name is Kevin and I am the creator and sole developer of this app. I am an American Catholic and web developer.

One of the reasons I built it was because I never really felt right uploading pictures or videos of my kids to big tech platforms. There's no telling what kind of things they are doing to your images or videos. Not only that, but I never wanted to share family videos to the network of "friends" I had on those platforms. I also have a strong moral objection to the type of content that the platforms were pushing to me. It was nothing but suggestive/risqué adult content, fake prank videos, and other types of scandalous material.

That is no place to try and share family videos with Grandma, so I had to create a place where I knew everything that went into the technology. This app does nothing to your content apart from store it and show it to people you directly invite to your space. It doesn't scan it with facial recognition AI, recommend it to other users, or prevent you from permanently deleting it from the platform.

... Kevin Avila Web Developer

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